Monday, September 30, 2019

Nurse symbolises Essay

In contrast to these three characters, the next characters show the opposition facing the accusations. Firstly I will discuss the protagonist of the play – John Proctor, whom I have already mentioned. Proctor is a steady man, in whose presence â€Å"a fool felt his foolishness instantly†. He is described as â€Å"a man in his prime, with a quiet confidence, and an unexpressed, hidden force†, which reveals his nature to the reader. Despite his affair with Abigail that becomes the source of the accusations, the reader feels sympathy towards him due to his preference of rationality over the supernatural, and his modern quality in his logic and his willingness for a better life for future generations. The Nurses, particularly Rebecca Nurse, are represented as near saints who rely upon practical wisdom and experience. Miller reveals that the Nurses have held a grudge against the Putnams both over land, and also over Putnam’s wanted man in the ministry. Rebecca Nurse symbolises the good in the community although this does not affect Putnam’s motivations and the accusations that are made. The last character is Giles Corey. He is a man who â€Å"didn’t give a hoot for public opinion†, but is able to oppose Putnam and Parris due to his contentious, and combative manner. Finally, there is the Reverend John Hale, who approaches religious matters with the conviction of a scientist. He holds the belief that they cannot rely upon superstition to solve the girls’ problems but they may find a supernatural explanation for the events. Although he does not side with anyone, he is wrapped up in the hysteria that has been created, and evokes further paranoia. He shows the essence of the conflict of religion and superstition that is at the foreground in ‘The Crucible’. The First Act of ‘The Crucible’ shows several significant themes that continue during the play. I think that one of the most important themes is the ability for accusations to snowball, gaining pace and involving others that were in the background. An early example of this is the charges against the girls and Tituba. At first they are accused of simply dancing, then of dancing naked. These accusations proceed until Tituba is deemed a witch, and others are accused of Satanism. Another important theme is the shift of blame from one character to another. This is largely due to the minority of people willing to accept the consequences of their actions. The ability of characters to choose whichever position suits their self-interest is encompassed in the First Act largely with Abigail, who uses everything for her own purpose. As I mentioned during my introduction, the play is aptly named ‘The Crucible’, which serves as an instrument in which tensions reach a climax under the cloud of accusations. In Act Three, Danforth refers to the title in saying â€Å"We burn a hot fire here; it melts down all concealment†. This is true in the sense that all the motives of the characters are revealed, but these have to be firstly explained, and this occurs in Act One. Miller uses imagery and language to add to the tensions and conflicts encountered in the First Act. He uses double negatives as a way to emphasise and also to set the play in the right period of history. Miller uses such imagery as â€Å"sweated like a stallion†: an image taken straight from the farm to reflect the themes and set the period. Miller writes that Abigail states that â€Å"Let either of you breath a word †¦ sun go down†. This quote contains very powerful language and gives a sense of the harshness of the atmosphere that they lived in. After Act One, the accusations spiral out of control with countless others being accused including Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and John Proctor himself. The mass hysteria reaches a climax with the accused being hanged after refusing to confess to a sin that they did not do. Reverend John Hale sides with Proctor and says that these accusations are not based upon anything, just personal vendettas. In conclusion, Arthur Miller uses the First Act of ‘The Crucible’ as a strong foundation for the mass hysteria and the intensity of the paranoia that follows in the play. The themes of the play need to be sown into the play quickly and effectively so as to ensure the quick rise of tension. The main issue throughout the play of the conflict of religion and superstition is involved straight away and Miller establishes the stem of all the accusations of Abigail’s affair with Proctor quickly, as well as giving an insight into the motivations of the other characters. Miller establishes the characteristics of the Salem community that make it so receptive to the witch hunt and how accusations can ignite fears and panic which can seize a town to such a great extent. ‘The Crucible’, thought of as an allegory to the McCarthyism that gripped America is elaborately constructed to illustrate how fear and hysteria mixed with an atmosphere of persecution may lead to tragically unjust consequences. The seeds of future conflict are intricately sown in the first Act to provide ‘The Crucible’ with a solid base on which the accusations raise the tension and conflict to such extreme heights and where characters are wrapped up in the hysteria that make the play so compelling. All the important themes are encompassed during the first Act, such as the shifting of blame, and the conflicts of characters, that allow the rest of the play to spiral out of all proportions permitting ‘The Crucible’ to be so powerful and utterly riveting.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Reasearch metods

Your mission is to apply tools of financial analysis to determine the major causes of Grant's financial problems. If you had been performing this analysis contemporaneously with the release of publicly reported information, when would you have become skeptical of the ability of Grant to continue as a viable going concern? One of the major causes of Grant's financial problem, Is regarding the credit extension and credit terms.These credit terms let consumers only pay $1 for their minimum monthly payments, regardless of the total amount of purchases. This caused Grant to obtain a short-term loan of $600 million to cover the credit of consumer purchases. Another major cause of Grant's financial problem, would be the new product line that he wanted to Implement and It being eliminated from the stores. In addition, numerous stores were also closing which diminished their revenues and chances In reaping the benefit of opening new stores to accommodate the middle-income consumers.From the p ublicly reported Information, I would have become skeptical of the ability f Grant to continue as a viable concern when he Implemented the new strategy of credit extension. The new strategy put W. T. Grant In a position to procure finances from several different banks to absorb the credit from purchases. With the short- term loan not being significant enough to overcome those events, the company had to close a number of stores that were not profitable. The short-term debt Increased almost $20,000 from 1966 to 1967 because of the credit extension to customers and not collecting accounts receivable.Even with the customer Installment receivable Increasing from 1967 to 1968 by almost $30,000, the credit Limit for customer purchases were not being paid fully so the company had to take out more short-term loans. They also had to pull the strategy of Introducing a new product line, which Included furniture and private-brand appliances. The closing of numerous stores would also bring a subs tantial loss of $177 million and a decreases In credit operations accounting. Another problem of Grant continuing as a viable going concern would be the ability for Grant to pay for merchandise.Having a problem tit paying for merchandise will also show a tremendous loss In sales and revenue. This can be seen In the Income statement from sales Increasing, but the net Income decreasing every year since 1972 and having a negative value of 177,340 In year 1975. The retained earnings can also show that In year 1975 the decrease was over $200,000. Research methods By bladderwort One of the major causes of Grant's financial problem, is regarding the credit the new product line that he wanted to implement and it being eliminated from the revenues and chances in reaping the benefit of opening new stores to accommodateFrom the publicly reported information, I would have become skeptical of the ability of Grant to continue as a viable concern when he implemented the new strategy of credit exte nsion. The new strategy put W. T. Grant in a position to procure finances to close a number of stores that were not profitable. The short-term debt increased not collecting accounts receivable. Even with the customer installment receivable increasing from 1967 to 1968 by almost $30,000, the credit limit for customer loans. They also had to pull the strategy of introducing a new product line, which included furniture and private-brand appliances.The closing of numerous stores would also bring a substantial loss of $177 million and a decreases in credit concern would be the ability for Grant to pay for merchandise. Having a problem with paying for merchandise will also show a tremendous loss in sales and revenue. This can be seen in the income statement from sales increasing, but the net income decreasing every year since 1972 and having a negative value of 177,340 in year 1975. The retained earnings can also show that in year 1975 the decrease was over

Saturday, September 28, 2019

New Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

New Architecture - Essay Example Calatrava concentrates most of his attentions on creating forms that highlight the progress of mankind. In doing so, he is attempting to inspire other human beings to new heights of spiritual and natural connection through their experience of his works. Some biographic material is necessary to understand some of Santiago Calatrava's influences and the major theories that have affected his work, but it is only by studying the work itself that one can form an appreciation for how Calatrava manages to address the human within his icons of design. Having grown up in a small rural area of Spain, Calatrava took inspiration from some of the most creative architects of past generations and creates new works of art that remain functional as public structures. Whether creating something as mundane as a communication tower or a high-rise apartment building capable of sheltering the multitudes, Calatrava conveys the beauty of nature's forms within the icons of design he creates. Santiago Calatra va Valls was born in a rural area of Valencia Spain known as Benimamet on July 28, 1951. His love for architecture and building emerged at a young age and he completed his undergraduate work at the Architecture School and Art and Crafts School in Valencia, finishing in 1975. Then he enrolled in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. It was here that he gained knowledge of civil engineering and began perfecting his ideas for mass human use of structures. After he graduated from this prestigious school in 1981, Calatrava launched his architectural career having already established a high reputation in the field. He increased this reputation by dedicating himself largely to public works projects, such as the construction of bridges and train stations that still managed (Winkelman & Duncan, 2002). One such early piece that illustrates his unique perspective and eye for natural line is the Ernsting Warehouse Doors. They are created to appear more or less like any other ware house except that the division between the doors resembles a human smile rather than a solid face or a vertical divide down the middle. The magic of these doors takes place as they open. The bottom half of the door folds under the top and the panels flare in such a way that the doors create a flared opening reminiscent of a bazaar tent - reflecting the purpose of the building. Through his work, Calatrava has proven to be either an architect with the soul of a sculptor or a sculptor with the soul of an architect. Some of the architects he takes his influence from include other innovative iconographers Felix Candela, who brought Spanish architecture to world attention, and Antonio Gaudi, another Spanish architect who challenged many of the standards of the Barcelona elite in the execution of his designs. Le Corbusier also had a strong influence on Calatrava, particularly in his emphasis upon using organic forms (Eardley, 2006). Although Calatrava obviously takes inspiration from these earlier architects, he always remains focused upon the inherent forms of the human body and the forms discovered in the natural world when he designs his structures, always keeping the elements of engineering firmly in mind as he considers the use of the finished space and the appeal of its final form. The turning point that made Calatrava a big name in the architectural world came with his construction of the Montjuic Communications Tower in Barcelona. The

Friday, September 27, 2019

Writing assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Writing assignment - Research Paper Example If correctly implemented, such decisions would move the organizations to higher levels of performance. However, the organizations continue to lag behind their expected performance mainly because of the failure to implement decisions. Pfeffer and Sutton (2000) explain the main reasons that have maintained a wide gap between knowledge and action. One of the reasons is the tendency by managers to pursue detailed behaviors, practices and techniques that work instead of finding out why such practices are suitable for their organizations in terms of philosophy and the general direction that action should take. Other managers overlook the importance of learning from practice. Putting the best practices into action would require the room to make mistakes during learning. This can be done well if the practices are implemented and important lessons taken from the implementation process. It is also important for managers and policy implementers to recognize that elaborate concepts and plans may not count as much if they are not put into action. Action can be made more efficient if it is grounded on real experience. Moreover, staffs that implement the plans should be inspired to action without fear. This is because fear is known to widen the knowledge-action gap. If the persons operate under fear, they will not be in a position to try something new; neither will they have the freedom to make mistakes which is an important component in the learning process. Managers should, therefore, maintain an environment that encourages stuffs to try something new while at the same time their well-being and dignity is upheld. In determining the level of progress in the implementation process, whatever should be measured is what really matters in the implementation process. The tendency to measure virtually everything is known to widen the gap between knowledge and action. The measurement should be in such a way that it does not only provide what has already been done, but also

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 22

Leadership - Essay Example He gives other people the credit of success instead of taking it himself, and is brave enough to accept his mistakes and amend them when needed. Leader B is very organized and believes in preset rules and regulations. The case mentions that he believes in a clear hierarchy and proper division of work. He also practices empowerment and delegation of tasks to employees but then they are held accountable for good or bad performance, and then are treated accordingly. Good performance leads to appreciation whereas poor performance leads to punishment. These are the prime characteristics of a transactional leader. Transformational leaders create followers because of their inspirational personalities who work hard in the interest of the organization regardless of their personal interests. Leader C also inculcates a sense of pride amongst the employees and does not want to dominate them but be their mentor instead of boss. This ultimately creates a more comfortable working environment. He also induces in them a passion to work towards the success of the organization. The impact of leader B’s appointment as CEO would have a negative effect on overall performance of the company. Employees would become hesitant at giving their ideas or working according to their will with the fear of being punished for bad performance. Their quality of work would be hindered and the inflexibility of leader B would lead to producing average managers in the company instead of leaders. On appointment of leader B, the kind of environment that would be created in the organization would be dull, strict and the employees would lose the passion to work. It will become a half-hearted attempt for them. Overall impact on company performance is likely to be negative if Leader B gets appointed. If Leader C gets appointed, his flexibility of being a mentor instead of boss will allow employees to take

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Discussions, week 1, week 2, week 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussions, week 1, week 2, week 3 - Assignment Example To determine the cause of the itching, one should consider a history of the same symptoms. A dietary assessment is also required to determine if the skin reaction is due to an allergy. Certain drugs also cause allergic reactions. Lab tests may also be mandatory to establish if it is a microbial infection. Since the available information does not point to a specific condition, the patient should be treated for superficial infection and referred for further tests. A follow-up is necessary to assess the course of treatment (Wilson et al., 2013). Mr. AK has several chronic conditions that he is aware of and is receiving treatment. However, his recent loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss in the past few weeks is unexplained and could be as a result of several factors. His medical examination does not provide concrete evidence of the underlying cause. His dietary history points to certain factors that could have contributed to his current condition. AK takes wine every night before going to bed, which might be the main cause of his appetite loss. Alcohol has been shown to cause sleep disturbance (Ebrahim et al., 2013). It may reduce the time to fall asleep but prevents one from having a peaceful sleep. Also, alcohol reduces the appetite, and this can lead to unwanted weight loss. In the case of AK, the alcohol intake might be the main cause of his loss of appetite, weight loss, and daytime somnolence. As a treatment measure, he should be advised to avoid taking alcohol before going to bed and a follow up done to ensure he is complying. Facial itch can be caused by several factors. These include microbial infection, allergic reactions, skin diseases and facial hygiene among others. Chronic facial itch is usually as a result of dysfunction of itch sensing neurons that send false signals of pruritogenic stimuli to the brain (Oaklander, 2012). This condition is known as neuropathic itch, and usually does not involve direct

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Political power of women Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Political power of women - Research Paper Example However, while women in the region continue to rise into the highest positions of leadership in the region, the rise in the number of such leaders does not result in the protection of the rights of women (Pamela and Melanie 65). The position of women in the two societies contrasts thereby depicting definite pattern of weak political institutions that do not consider the position of women in the Asian societies. The position and participation of women in politics should facilitate the inclusion of their rights and roles in the constitution as the essay below portrays. The democratic processes in the countries are illusionary and use the high political positions as rewards to women who lose either fathers or husbands in political assassinations. The Sri-Lankan female president for example rose to power after the assassination of her husband who served as the president prior to his murder. While the women hold the highest positions in office, they work in heavily bureaucratic systems of ten working under the influence of men. This explains the inability of the female presidents to improve the status of women in the countries. The status of women in Asia is appalling with some societies showing abject disregard to the fundamental human rights. The rise of specific women into the positions of power does not help address such deeply entrenched social structures that perpetuate the disregard of the fundamental human rights (Pamela and Melanie 231). India, the world most populous nation and a strong economy in Asia has had few women in leadership positions. This perpetuates the traditional stereotypes in the society most of which support the disregard to the rights of women. The recent case of a girl gang raped in a public bus in Mumbai depicts the hopelessness of women in the country. The incident portrayed the fact that numerous rape cases in the country go unreported. The police in the country lack the motivation to investigate crimes against women. The lack of both motivation and resources to investigate cases of crimes against women and bring the suspects to book as depicted by the actions of the police investigating the case of the young girl gang raped in bus shows the lack of representation of women in the society. The political system in the country does not uphold the values and rights of women thus compelling female rape victims to feel ashamed and shun any attempt to report such atrocities. The police force in the country consists of men who therefore uphold the laws that safeguard the rights of men often disregarding the plight of women. The police force in India for example requires effective reforms in order to increase the number of women in the force. The presence of a female president surrounded by male cabinet secretaries and male parliamentarians does not help elevate the position of women in the society. The change in political representation requires enactment of legislations that safeguard the rights of women. Additionally t his requires an attitudinal overhaul in order to influence the feelings and thoughts of the populace in order to recognize the rights and roles of women (Gelb and Marian 41). The solution to the social problems in Asia is improved female representation. As determined above, having a female president is not enough since an individual may not influence the political and policy changes required to alleviate the plight of women in the s

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discussion board questions 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion board questions 1 - Essay Example 2-How do you define â€Å"power†? Do you agree with Realists in that power still matters most in the international system? Why or Why not? Power, as Russett, Starr, and Kinsella (2009, p. 106) defined, is the ability to have an impact on the behaviour of other actors, mainly to affect the opportunities available to others and their willingness to select specific courses of actions. Many politicians view ‘power’ as an ability to reduce uncertainty in an environment. Power is often compared with money as power can be saved or spent as is the case with money too. But, a rather different and yet acceptable view is that power is a psychological phenomenon because one may have it if others think he has. Tischler (2004, p. 344) quoted max Weber’s definition of power as it is the ability to carry out a person’s or group’s will even when there is resistance or opposition from others.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Events of September 11 Attacks Research Paper

The Events of September 11 Attacks - Research Paper Example In Hamburg, most of the secondary planners and pilots became radical and better equipped to attack. In the morning of September 11, 2001, four planes were hijacked by 19 militants said to be mostly of the Saudi Arabia origin who subscribe to the ideals of Al Qaeda, undertook attacks targeting the US. They used four California-bound flights, taking control soon after their take-off. Some of the terrorists took charge of two commercial airliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center’s twin towers at about 8.45am. Another airliner was crashed into the Pentagon by another group of terrorists at 9.45am. Another group took charge of yet another commercial airliner that was headed to the White House, Washington DC but it crashed in Pennsylvania at 10.10am after the terrorists were overpowered by passengers. It is believed that the perpetrators were involved in a holy act aimed at killing as many westerners as possible considered to be enemies. The then President George W. Bush was shuttled around the country due to security concerns and was only back to the White House at about 7pm and addressed the nation and indeed the world at 9pm to restore confidence in America’s sovereignty. Operation Enduring Freedom was hatched to oust Taliban regime and destroy the terrorist network of Osama (Bodden, 2007). Arrival of first responders Immediately the World Trade Center, WTC was attacked, there was a concentrated response by emergency services. According to Flood (2011), over 100 emergency medical service, EMS units together with many dozens of private ambulances arrived at the site, setting up triage centers from where the injured would be ferried to hospitals. Over 2,000 Port Authority and NYPD police officers enforced security in the area, ransacked the twin towers and assisted in rescuing survivors. Being a five-alarm fire situation, 214 FDNY units, much more than the required 44 units responded to the emergency with 58 ladder trucks, 112 engines, seve n squad companies, five rescue companies, dozens of chiefs, four marine units and massive support, communication and command units. Unfortunately, many of these first responders were also killed in the process. Why the Attacks? The question of what caused the 9/11 attacks remains elusive but has been largely attributed to the failed foreign policy as was applied in the Middle East. According to Bodden (2007) and Seessel (2003), the US had attracted hostility due to its support for Israel, a Jewish state, to be established and sustained. The Palestinians had for over 60 years raised their plight of being homeless and brutalized but no one, not even the US paid attention to their woes. This support for Israel caused anger among Islamic nations thus causing the radical Islamists to call for the withdrawal of the US from the region. Other initiators of the attacks have been cited as the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia and the economic sanctions that were imposed against Iraq in 19 90. Therefore, Islamic fundamentalists called on supporters of radical Islam to declare war against the government and citizens of the US.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Herman Mudgett Essay Example for Free

Herman Mudgett Essay Problem Statement H. H. Holmes was dubbed the first male serial killer in the United States; however, his profile did not entirely fit the characteristics of a male serial killer. Should H. H. Holmes be considered a â€Å"Black Widow†? Purpose Imagine a killer who enjoyed torturing his victims with a variety of methods, but got paid for it. Meet Dr. H. H. Holmes or also known as â€Å"The Torture Doctor†. He was a serial killer who hit Chicago in the late nineteenth century. He killed with the intention of receiving money, mostly in the form of insurance claims. Criminologists have characterized this as a trait mostly belonging to female serial killers. It is â€Å"Black Widows† who kill relatives for the insurance money. Therefore Holmes should be classified as having similar characteristics to a â€Å"Black Widow† or that of a female serial killer. Findings Herman Webster Mudgett born May 16, 1861 to Levi and Theodate Mudgett in Gilmanton, New Hampshire had a privileged life. His family was wealthy and he was a bight child. (5) His household was run with a strict Methodist structure and his father was a violent alcoholic. He was bullied in school and in one instance forced to face a real skeleton which is believed to be the start of his fascination with corpses. (2) He became curious with Anatomy after that. Mudgett expressed a huge interest in medicine and was enrolled in the University of Michigan in 1882. He excelled in Chemistry and Anatomy and they seemed to be a natural talent for him. He was extremely eager to work on the cadavers. (2) He graduated in 1884. â€Å"This was a unique feature for a serial killer because most serial killers do not finish school.† (2) It is not because they are not intelligent enough; it is because they lack the motivation. This is where Mudgett was different; he had the persistence and motivati on to finish school. It was easier because it was something he did enjoy and it was a gateway for his early crimes. Mudgett would steal corpses from the medical school after making false insurance claims on a person, naming himself the beneficiary. He would distort the bodies making it look like an accident and then identify the body as the person he took the claim out on. (1) This is most likely the reason he stayed in school; he was making a profit. This is where he started using his alias Henry Howard Holmes or H. H. Holmes and Herman Mudgett would eventually cease to exist.(2) His crime spree and fascination with corpses would continue well after medical school. After a string of insurance fraud and traveling the country Holmes made it to Chicago. He began working at a drug store owned by an ill Dr. Holton in the neighborhood of Englewood. Holton died not long after and Holmes convinced Mrs. Holton to sign over the pharmacy to him and then she mysteriously disappeared. (5) While owning the drug store he continued to scam people sometimes selling false drugs and avoiding paying back his credit. (2) Holmes did enjoy making money and tricking people, but he wanted more. Holmes bought an estate on 63rd street and Wallace right across the street from the pharmacy that would later be called the â€Å"Murder Castle.† The construction of the building was very curious. Holmes was the architect and always kept a change of workers so he was the only one who ever knew the full structure of the building. (2) It was three stories with the ground floor belonging to commercial buildings including his relocated drug store. The top two were designated for his murderous fantasies. It had a labyrinth structure and consisted of false doors, windowless rooms, chutes, and trap doors. (5) The Castle â€Å"was equipped with secret passages, trapdoors, soundproof rooms, doors that could be locked from the outside, gas jets to asphyxiate victims, and a kiln to cremate the bodies.† (3) The basement is what held even worse horrors. There was a furnace big enough to hold a human body and huge acid baths. There were also tables where he could perform on the bodie s. (2) The Castle would open a door for Holmes to make even more money. Holmes was a man who would make money off of anything he could and his killings were no different. After he had tortured and killed he victims he would clean and mount their bones. In the basement â€Å"some were meticulously dissected, stripped of flesh, crafted into skeleton models† (5) He would then sell the skeletons to medical schools and doctor’s offices.(2) He had gained connections with these places, so no one questioned him. (5) He was living out his fantasies and making money off of it and now the perfect opportunity was about to come along. The 1893 World’s Columbian Exchange in Chicago would take place only a couple miles from Holmes’ home â€Å"The Castle.† The fair lasted from May to October. Holmes opened his building for the visitors and furnished and ran it like a hotel. â€Å"Unfortunately, some of his guests did not survive his hospitality.† (1) Just like most serial killers Holmes picked easy targets; tourists. Few people would know exactly where they were staying and it would be awhile before anyone reported them missing. However Holmes did differ from other male serial killers in that he did not stick to a type. Most of his victims did happen to be women, but he also killed children and men. Disappearances associated with the fair were linked to his castle (1) Outside of using his castle on unknowing tourists he was a seducer of women. Many of Holmes’ victims were women whom he had seduced and tricked into signing over their life savings. He usually employed females to work for him â€Å"many of whom were required as a condition of employment to take out life insurance policies for which Holmes would pay the premiums but also be the beneficiary† (5) and these women would later become his victims. Some of these women he killed where women who he had tricked in to giving him their property after they thought he was going to marry them. One example was Julia Conner and her daug hter Pearl. She was a mistress of Holmes and got pregnant. She demanded marriage and Holmes agreed if he could perform an abortion. Julia agreed, but mysteriously vanished along with her daughter. (2) He also promised Emiline Segrand marriage if she gave him her life savings. He sealed her in his vault where she suffocated to death. (2) He did have a marriage that actually went through, three in fact. He did have three marriages that all happened to coincide with each other. His first wife Clara Lovering was before he went to medical school. He filed for divorce at the time of his second wife, but it failed to go through. After he began using his alias H.H. Holmes he married Myrta Belknap in 1887. He lived with her and their daughter, Lucy, in Illinois for a while before he made it to Chicago. Holmes married is third wife, Georgiana Yoke, in 1894 after his killing spree in Chicago. Each one of these women never became one of Holmes’ victims and would live out their lives not knowing he was a serial killer till he was caught. (5) The only person who ever knew about what Holmes did was Benjamin Pitzel. Benja min Pitzel became associated with Holmes when Holmes was first constructing the Castle. Pitzel was a carpenter who was a drunkard that could never hold a job down. Holmes needed a right hand man who was tough and would do anything for money; Pitzel fit this description and had already committed petty crimes. (2) Pitzel was married with five children and needed to provide for his family, so he did what Holmes asked him to. Together Pitzel and Holmes committed lots of fraud and forgery. When Holmes was forced to leave Chicago because creditors were closing in Pitzel followed. They went cross country and continued to commit more fraud and other suspected killings under different aliases. (5) During one of these crimes Holmes was incarcerated for the first time in his life. Running low on money and needing to escape plan. Holmes and Pitzel concocted a plan where they would get Pitzel’s wife to take out an insurance claim on him and then they would fake Pitzel death. (5) Before they could get started on the scam Holmes was arrested for a different crime that landed hi m in a Texas jail. For some reason Holmes spilled his entire plan to his cellmate Marion Hedgepeth, a convicted train robber. Hedgepeth gave Holmes the name of a shady attorney in return for $500 of the money he got. (4) Holmes was shortly bailed out by his new wife Georgiana Yokes. (2) Holmes was now beginning to make mistakes and the law was going to catch up with him. Now Holmes could get on to finish the scam of faking Pitzel’s death, but Holmes did not fake it, he actually killed his longtime associate. This was most likely his plan all along; he wanted to get rid of loose ends. Holmes and his attorney, acquired from his former cell mate, identified the body. Mrs. Pitzel unknowing it to be her real husband split the money with the two men, but in the end Holmes ended up with most of her share. (2) Holmes was becoming paranoid and realizing that he was making mistakes. â€Å"Becoming concerned that the five Pitzel children might expose him, he went away with three of the children, eventually killing them.† (1) There was still one mistake out there that would lead to his demise. Almost two months after Pitzel’s body was found Hedgepeth, the former cellmate, sent information about the insurance fraud to police when he never received his compensation from Holmes. Police sent the Pinkertons, a private security guard and detective agency; on Holmes’ trail (5) What they discovered would be horrifying. Holmes was caught on November 17, 1894 in Boston. His only outstanding charge was on a horse theft and detectives needed more to hold him. It was only when his old custodian from the Castle informed the authorities that he was never allowed to clean the upper floors did they found out about his murders past by â€Å"uncovering Holmess efficient methods of committing murders and then disposing of the corpses.† (5) Along with Holmes’ vast array of obvious torture equipment, pieces of human bones were discovered. None of the murders were proven because of the lack of evidence except for four that of Benjamin Pitzel and his three children. Police tracked down the children’s bodies when chasing Holmes across the country. The two girls were found in Toronto and the boy in Indianapolis. (5) Holmes reign had come to an end. It was never discovered how many people H. H. Holmes had actually killed, but missing people and peculiar activity always seem to surround him not including the fact that he had a killing house. No one will ever be certain; the only person who may have known the true story was killed by Holmes. Also Holmes confessed his innocence until the day he was hung on May 7, 1896 at age 34. (2) Towards the end, however, he did come clean but his story always seemed to change. He did confess to 27 murders, but some researchers have suggested it exceeds 200. (3) The one confession he did seem to stick with was that he said he resembled the Devil. (2) Whatever the number Holmes was a serial killer who learned how to make a profit off of it. Conclusion Dr. H. H. Holmes’s characteristics did not fit that of a normal male serial killer. For starters he finished college unlike most of his predecessors. It might have been due to the fact that he had endless cadavers to work on or because he was planning his criminal career. Holmes also received monetary gain from most of his victims. He did enjoy seducing and killing victims, but his motives did involve receiving money. This is a trait often associated with female serial killers. Criminologists distinguish traits from male and female serial killers. One of the traits associated with females is that their motives usually involve monetary gain. The â€Å"Black Widow† is a female serial killer who kills her husband or other relatives to receive the insurance money. Holmes fits this description because most of his victims were women whom he had seduced and promised marriage or employees after receiving rights to their property. Holmes fits characteristics of both genders, but the profile of a Male Black Widow fits him more than anything. Recommendations Holmes should be classified as a â€Å"Black Widow† even though he is a male. It is true the biggest trait of a â€Å"Black Widow† is the female part, but gender should not be as important as motive. Gender unconsidered Holmes clearly fit the description. Therefore criminologist might reconsider classifying primarily on gender. Looking primarily at gender leaves gaps and flukes that do not seem to fit the â€Å"normal† stereotype in profiling and Holmes proves that. Holmes is a â€Å"Black Widow.† Bibliography (1) H.H. Holmes. 2012. 18 Apr 2012, 06:28 (2) H. H. Holmes Americas First Serial Killer. Dir. John Borowski. Waterfront Productions, 2004. Documentary. (3) John Philip, Jenkins. Mudgett, Herman Webster. Britannica Biographies (2011): 1. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2012 (4) Martin, John B. The Master of the Murder Castle: A Classic of Chicago Crime. Harpers Magazine. Harpers Magazine Foundation, Dec. 1943. Web. 18 Apr. 2012. (5) Wikipedia contributors. H. H. Holmes. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 16 Apr. 2012. Web. 18 Apr. 2012.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Code-based Plagiarism Detection Techniques

Code-based Plagiarism Detection Techniques Biraj Upadhyaya and Dr. Samarjeet Borah Abstract- The copying of programming assignments by students specially at the undergraduate as well as postgraduate level is a common practice. Efficient mechanisms for detecting plagiarised code is therefore needed. Text based plagiarism detection techniques do not work well with source codes. In this paper we are going to analyse a code- based plagiarism detection technique which is employed by various plagiarism detection tools like JPlag, MOSS, CodeMatch etc. Introduction The word Plagiarism is derived from the Latin word plagiarie which means to kidnap or to abduct. In academicia or industry plagiarism refers to the act of copying materials without actually acknowledging the original source[1]. Plagiarism is considered as an ethical offence which may incur serious disciplinary actions such as sharp reduction in marks and even expulsion from the university in severe cases. Student plagiarism primarily falls into two categories: text-based plagiarism and code-based plagiarism. Instances of text based plagiarism includes word to word copy, paraphrasing, plagiarism of secondary sources, plagiarism of ideas, plagiarism of secondary sources, plagiarism of ideas, blunt plagiarism or authorship plagiarism etc. Plagiarism is considered code based when a student copies or modifies a program required to be submitted for a programming assignment. Code based plagiarism includes verbatim copying, changing comments, changing white space and formatting, renaming ide ntifiers, reordering code blocks, changing the order of operators/ operands in expression, changing data types, adding redundant statement or variables, replacing control structures with equivalent structures etc[2]. Background Text based plagiarism detection techniques do not work well with a coded input or a program. Experiments have suggested that text based systems ignore coding syntax, an indispensable part of any programming construct thus posing a serious drawback. To overcome this problem code-based plagiarism detection techniques were developed. Code-based plagiarism detection techniques can be classified into two categories viz. Attributed oriented plagiarism detection and Structure oriented plagiarism detection. Attribute oriented plagiarism detection systems measure properties of assignment submissions[3]. The following attributes are considered: Number of unique operators Number of unique operands Total number of occurrences of operators Total number of occurrences of operands Based on the above attributes, the degree of similarity of two programs can be considered. Structure oriented plagiarism detection systems deliberately ignore easily modifiable programming elements such as comments, additional white spaces and variable names. This makes this system less susceptible to addition of redundant information as compared to attribute oriented plagiarism detection systems. A student who is aware of this kind of plagiarism detection system being deployed at his institution would rather complete the assignment by himself/herself instead of working on a tedious and time consuming modification task. Scalable Plagiarism Detection Steven Burrows in his paper Efficient and Effective Plagiarism Detection for Large Code Repositories[3] provided an algorithm for code -based plagiarism detection. The algorithm comprises of the following steps: Tokenization Figure: 1.0 Let us consider a simple C program: #include int main( ) { int var; for (var=0; var { printf(%dn, var); } return 0; } Table 1.0: Token list for program in Figure 1.0. Here ALPHANAME refers to any function name, variable name or variable value. STRING refers to double enclosed character(s). The corresponding token stream for the program in Figure 1.0 is given as SNABjSNRANKNNJNNDDBjNA5ENBlgNl Now the above token is converted to N-gram representation. In our case the value of N is chosen as 4. The corresponding tokenization of the above token stream is shown below: SNAB NABj ABjS BjSN jSNR SNRA NRAN RANK ANKN NKNN KNNJ NNJN NJNN JNND NNDD NDDB DDBj DBjN BjNA jNA5 NA5E A5EN 5ENB ENBl NBlg BlgN lgNl These 4-grams are generated using the sliding window technique. The sliding window technique generates N-grams by moving a â€Å"window† of size N across all parts of the string from left to right of the token stream. The use of N-grams is an appropriate method of performing structural plagiarism detection because any change to the source code will only affect a few neighbouring N-grams. The modified version of the program will have a large percentage of unchanged N-grams, hence it will be easy to detect plagiarism in this program . Index Construction The second step is to create an inverted index of these N-grams . An inverted index consists of a lexicon and an inverted list. It is shown below: Table 2.0: Inverted Index Referring to above inverted index for mango, we can conclude that mango occurs in three documents in the collection. It occurs once in document no. 31, thrice in document no. 33 and twice in document no. 15. Similarly we can represent our 4-gram representation of Figure 1.0 with the help of an inverted index. The inverted index for any five 4-grams is shown below in Table 3.0. Table 3.0: Inverted Index Querying The next step is to query the index. It is understandable that each query is an N-gram representation of a program. For a token stream of t tokens, we require (t − n + 1) N-grams where n is the length of the N-gram . Each query returns the ten most similar programs matching the query program and these are organised from most similar to least similar. If the query program is one of the indexed programs, we would expect this result to produce the highest score. We assign a similarity score of 100% to the exact or top match[3]. All other programs are given a similarity score relative to the top score . Burrows experiment compared against an index of 296 programs shown in Table 4.0 presents the top ten results of one N-gram program file (0020.c). In this example, it is seen that the file scored against itself generates the highest relative score of 100.00%. This score is ignored, but it is used to generate a relative similarity score for all other results. We can also see that the program 0103.c is very similar to program 0020.c with a score of 93.34% . Rank Query Index Raw Similarity File File Score Score Table 4.0: Results of the program 0020.c compared to an index of 296 programs. Comparison of various Plagiarism Detection Tools 4.1 JPlag: The salient features of this tool are presented below: JPlag was developed in 1996 by Guido Malpohl It currently supports C, C++, C#, Java, Scheme and natural language text It is a free plagiarism detection tool It is use to detect software plagiarism among multiple set of source code files. JPlag uses Greedy String Tiling algorithm which produces matches ranked by average and maximum similarity. It is used to compare programs which have a large variation in size which is probably the result of inserting a dead code into the program to disguise the origin. Obtained results are displayed as a set of HTML pages in a form of a histogram which presents the statistics for analyzed files CodeMatch The salient features of this tool are presented below: It was developed by in 2003 by Bob Zeidman and under the licence of SAFE Corporation This program is available as a standalone application. It supports 26 different programming languages including C, C++, C#, Delphi, Flash ActionScript, Java, JavaScript, SQL etc It has a free version which allows only one trial comparison where the total of all files being examined doesn’t exceed the amount of 1 megabyte of data It is mostly used as forensic software in copyright infringement cases It determines the most highly correlated files placed in multiple directories and subdirectories by comparing their source code . Four types of matching algorithms are used: Statement Matching, Comment Matching, Instruction Sequence Matching and Identifier Matching . The results come in a form of HTML basic report that lists the most highly correlated pairs of files. MOSS The salient features of this plagiarism detection tool are as follows: The full form of MOSS is Measure of Software Similarity It was developed by Alex Aiken in 1994 It is provided as a free Internet service hosted by Stanford University and it can be used only if a user creates an account The program can analyze source code written in 26 programming languages including C, C++, Java, C#, Python, Pascal, Visual Basic, Perl etc. Files are submitted through the command line and the processing is performed on the Internet server The current form of a program is available only for the UNIX platforms MOSS uses Winnowing algorithm based on code-sequence matching and it analyses the syntax or the structure of the observed files MOSS maintains a database that stores an internal representation of programs and then looks for similarities between them Comparative Analysis Table Conclusion In this paper we learnt a structured code-based plagiarism technique known as Scalable Plagiarism Detection. Various processes like tokenization, indexing and query-indexing were also studied. We also studied various salient features of various code-based plagiarism detection tools like JPlag, CodeMatch and MOSS. References Gerry McAllister, Karen Fraser, Anne Morris, Stephen Hagen, Hazel White Georgina Cosma , â€Å"An Approach to Source-Code Plagiarism Detection and Investigation Using Latent Semantic Analysis †, University of Warwick, Department of Computer Science, July 2008 Steven Burrows, â€Å"Efficient and Effective Plagiarism Detection for Large Code Repositories†, School of Computer Science and Information Technology , Melbourne, Australia, October 2004 Vedran Juric, Tereza Juric and Marija Tkalec ,†Performance Evaluation of Plagiarism Detection Method Based on the Intermediate Language †, University of Zagreb

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Americas Oil Problem Essay -- American Economy, Oil Industry

The United States is in a recession and depends on foreigners to fuel our country. Oil companies are taking advantage of the power they have over gas prices and the economy is at one of the lowest points in all of our history. It can be seen that the way things are going now that change needs to occur for America to get back on its feet. Drastic changes will need to happen if we are going to continue to enjoy living in a very advanced and prominent country. By developing proper offshore drilling techniques, and alternate energy, America could eliminate debt and lessen dependence on foreign oil. As it stands, oil companies have a firm grasp of the American economy. As the price of oil increases, the price of living also increases. Not only that, but they are getting away with paying dues they owe. "Oil companies have escaped more than 60 billion dollars in royalties because of a loophole to get access to more leases. The United States is the third largest producer of oil in the world, and 31 percent of that production comes from land owned by the federal government" (Offshore Drilling Will Enrich Big Oil Companies 2). America maintains this title even though "America's crude oil productivity has decreased since 1985" (Crude Oil Production 1). Currently, oil is becoming more expensive and damaging the economy while America is becoming more dependent on foreign oil; decreasing productivity and narrowing offshore drilling. The oil industry is making an immense profit. Oil companies that secured leases in 1998 and 1999 haven't been paying royalties, even though a bill signed in November of 1995 required royalties to be paid in proportion to the oil profit made. An example of a company profiting because of this is "West Texas Inte... ...ational security. As voters, and future voters, we need to vote for candidates that understand the colossal importance of using renewable energy and offshore drilling to start a recovery of the economy and keep America as a power figure. It will cost billions of dollars for research and perfecting offshore drilling, but it is a long-term investment that will have an enormous payout. If America was to fail in alternative energy research and offshore drilling have multiple spills; the worse that could happen is we go farther into debt. The country is already trillions deep into debt. Taking a risk and finding other ways to generate profit is how we will stimulate growth. The future is here. Fossil fuels will not last forever. If America leads the charge into the renewable energy field we can continue to be a very powerful nation and get the economy back on track.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Exploring Teacher Pay Incentives Essay examples -- education reform, t

This study analyzes four articles’ study findings as well as authors’ conclusion on the teachers’ incentive pay issue based on the studies presented by the authors. Those articles include Steele, Murname and Willnett (2009) that seek to analyze the effect of incentives on teachers’ retention. In the article, a natural experiment done in California between the year 2000 and 2003 involving an incentive of $20,000 that was called the Governor’s Teaching Fellowship (GTF) analyzes the incentives’ effect on talented teachers’ attraction and retention in low-performing schools. In addition, Fryer (2011) is the other article presenting an analysis of teacher’s incentives’ effect on students’ success in terms of attendance, academic performance or graduation. The article utilizes a school-based random trial involving more than 200 public schools in New York. Further, the analysis reviews an article by Figlio and Kenny (2006) which is a documentation of students’ performance’s relationship with teachers’ performance incentives. The study utilizes United States data combining the authors’ survey that was conducted in 2000 with National Education Longitudinal Survey on students and schools in regard to teachers’ pay incentives. Finally, Nael (2011) is an article on an analysis of education incentive schemes through a review of empirical studies that evaluates educators’ performance pay programs. Thus, the article will provide a suitable review on designs of student’s achievements measures and teachers’ performance metrics. Article 1: Relationship between teacher pay incentives and student’s performance Figlio & Kenny (2006) presents the first systematic documentation of the relationship that exists between students’ performance and the ... ...g jobs at the existing pay. In addition, incentives would retain the teachers as they would not be motivated to look for alternative jobs. (Barron & Lynch, 1987) Works cited Barron, J. & Lynch, G. Economics. London: Richard D. Irwin Inc, 1987. Print. Figlio, N. D. & Kenny, L. â€Å"Individual Teacher’s Incentive Programs and Student’s Performance†. NBER Working Paper 12627, October 2006. Print. Fryer, G.R. â€Å"Teachers Incentives and Students Achievement: Evidence from New York City’s Public Schools†. NBER Working Paper 16850, March 2011. Print. Neal, D. â€Å"The Design of Performance Pay In Education†. NBER Working Paper 16710, January 2011. Print. Steele, J., Murname, R. & Willnett, J. â€Å"Do Financial Incentives Help Low Performing Schools in Attracting and Keeping Talented Teachers? Evidence from California†. NBER Working paper 14780, March 2009. Print.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Heart of Darkness :: essays papers

Heart of Darkness Life in London set a cushion for its citizens, â€Å"with solid pavement under your feet, surrounded by kind neighbors ready to cheer you or to fall you, stepping delicately between the butcher and the policeman, in the holy terror of scandal and gallows and lunatic asylums.† On the other hand, once a man enters the Congo, he is all alone. No policeman, no â€Å"warning voice of a kind neighbor,† -- no one. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness sets Marlow on a journey in the Congo, where he realizes the environment he comes from is not reality, but an illusion hiding true human nature. His arrival at the First Station is his first exposure to the Congo where a horrid reality and naà ¯ve mentality is revealed -- a comparison of darkness and light. The chosen passage falls in the beginning of the narrative to set a picture of what to expect at upcoming stations. Marlow leaves London, his home, and his Aunt to travel to his first stop on the Congo River; the First Station. Here, Marlow begins to realize the unspeakable horror that exists. â€Å"Six black men advanced in file†¦ I could see every rib, the joints of their limbs were like knots in a rope; each had an iron collar on his neck, and all were connected together with a chain whose bights swung between them.† Marlow disapproved of what he saw and chose to avoid the six men. After his encounter with the â€Å"gang,† he meets the Chief Accountant, a well-dressed, tidy man, whom he admires. â€Å"I respected his collars†¦ his appearance was certainly that of a hairdresser’s dummy; but in the great demoralization of the land he kept up his appearance. That’s backbone. (Pg. 227)† Despite the dehumanization surrounding them, there s till stands a man who can present himself â€Å"properly†. The first chapter of the novel is framed to present life in London, then contrasting it with a picture of the savage Congo, and finishing by showing that civilized life can still exist in the jungle. Diction plays two pertinent roles in the passage: to produce imagery and to label objects or people. Diction reflects the extent of the contrasting light and darkness of the station that the imagery creates. In the midst of â€Å"mounds of turned-up earth by the shore†¦ a waste of excavations,† Marlow notes â€Å"a blinding sunlight drowned all this at times in a sudden recrudescence of glare.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Covering Letter for Acca Course

August 21, 9999 XYZ University International Admissions Office XYZ Street, London, UK Dear Sir/Madam: I am a senior consultant at Alpha Beta Pvt Ltd. , and would like to pursue ACCA course at XYZ University. I am very much interested to make a career in the field of Accounting and Finance which has always intrigued me on the magic of numbers and their impact on business and society at large. And I found that my interest lies in Accounting/Assurance, where I can best use my numeracy and analytical skills.I would like to pursue my further education in Accounting with a global qualification as ACCA which would provide me an excellent start in core accountancy skills there by helping me build a successful career in finance. Also the work experience, I gained in Human Resources in management level would put me in a superior position to better comprehend some of the management level papers of ACCA course. After all my research on where to study for ACCA, I found XYZ University to be the be st place to study and prepare for an ACCA global qualification.I am excited about XYZ’s world class teaching commitment towards accounting for which it has been known for many years and I am keenly looking forward to be a part of XYZ. At 10+2 level, my concentration was in Maths, Physics and Chemistry, which has strengthened my analytic skills. And my work experience all these years in Operations and Human Resources has broadened my understanding of the economics of business growth and development. And my work experience with Alpha Beta and Sigma Omega over the last four years gave me the experience and confidence to work in a dynamic, fast-paced organization where learning uickly and attention to details are instrumental to success. As a member of the recruitment operations, I had chance to interact with senior management from global firms like Invesco Ltd, Franklin Templeton, Cognizant Technology Solutions and Capgemini which has further aided my business understanding. And acquiring global financial qualification like ACCA would surely help in enhancing my finance and business understanding along with my analytical skills using which I can make a mark for myself with the support and guidance from XYZ.In order to gain hands on basics in Accounting before I start ACCA course with BPP, I have registered myself with The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) which is the awarding body for Chartered Accountants in India, with which I am studying Fundamentals of Accounting along with General Economics, Mercantile Law and Quantitative Aptitude. Thank you for your consideration. I very much look forward to the opportunity to get trained for my ACCA qualification by XYZ. Sincerely, ABC GYC

Sunday, September 15, 2019

First Impression of Iago Essay

My first impression of Iago is that he’s a manipulative and hypocritical man who tries to make up for the lack of success and happiness in his life by destroying that of others. In Iago’s first appearance in the play, he’s seen manipulating the wealthy but foolish Roderigo into giving him money. He claims to be taking this money to buy extravagant gifts to woo Desdemona on Roderigo’s behalf, but he keeps the money for himself. â€Å"Iago, who hast had [Roderigo’s] purse/ As if the strings were [his]† is clearly taking advantage of the jealous suitor of Desdemona (I. i. -3). As Roderigo is threatening to drown himself, Iago says to him, â€Å"If the/ balance of our lives had not one scale of reason to poise/ another of sensuality, the blood and baseness of our/ natures would conduct us to most prepost’rous/ conclusions† (I. iii. 325-329). This is hypocritical of Iago because he is scolding Roderigo for letting emotions and desires take over his life, but Iago lets rage, jealous, and his thirst for revenge take over his life. As a result of the lack of happiness and success in his own life, Iago feels the need to destroy that of others. When Cassio is promoted to lieutenant, Iago conspires to have him fired by suggesting that he’s having an affair with Desdemona. When Othello marries Desdemona, Iago tries to turn Brabantio against his new son-in-law. Iago is unhappy with his life – he doesn’t have the job he wants, and his marriage isn’t a happy one – so he tries to compensate by making the lives of others miserable as well. Iago appears to be a typical villain whose plots are made in an attempt to get revenge on the protagonists. His manipulative and hypocritical ways help conceal his wicked thoughts from the foolish Roderigo and over-trusting Othello.

Conflict: Anarchism and Long Lasting Aftermaths

Conflict can have tragic consequences for ordinary people In society’s composition, ordinary people establish the majority of the population creating the base of the group. When faced with challenges and conflict stemming from others in the same faction, they are affected and met with the consequences of the conflict. These effects may have tragic consequences to ordinary people with long lasting aftermaths such as portrayed in ‘Paradise Road’ and throughout history. Conflict, however, comes in different forms and arrangements with varying views and purposes.This signifies that not all consequences of conflict is disastrous, and can have a valuable effect on ordinary people. The characters in ‘Paradise Road’ are essentially ordinary civilians of countries torn in war that were thrust into situations that ended with tragic consequences. From the beginning scenes the women are portrayed living luxurious but sheltered lives, following that they were plun ged into the devastating prisoner’s camp showing the drastically altered life style they endured.Throughout the film the women are exposed to the unfamiliar brutality of humans, creating long lasting effects on their psychological mindset. This is seen from the ruthless death of Wing, having been caught getting medicinal tablets for Mrs Roberts. Due to the innocent and charitable nature of the act, the dreadful punishment for Wing was a surprise and vicious shock to the other women as it was nothing like their previous experiences, establishing the brutal nature of humans and course of the film.From this scene however, the idea that ‘conflict brings out the best in people’ could also be seen as Wing self-sacrificed herself. Additionally, despite the cruel conducts and treatment, the idea that ‘The survivors of conflict are true heroes’ is also brought to light as the women that were released held on til the end, surviving through will power and each other’s help and not giving into using their bodies. Evidently, although conflict can have tragic consequences on ordinary people, it can also have encouraging effects on them.Although conflict has the capacity to develop tragic consequences for average people, it additionally has positive effects on thousands of ordinary citizens around the nation. The African-American Civil Rights Movement in the United States began in 1955 due to racial prejudice and inequality, it aimed for the prohibition of discrimination and the right for African Americans to vote. The immense struggle for equal rights included many ordinary citizens throughout the nation and came in the form of nonviolent protests and marches.The confrontation lasted almost a decade and involved ordinary citizens of all nations as it sparked worldwide recognition for its aim. In 1964 the Civil Rights Act was passed allowing basic civil rights for all Americans, signifying the success of the struggle for all Americans regardless of race. This indicates that even for those not involved, the outcome affected their lives in a positive manner along with the idea that conflict not just has tragic consequences for ordinary people, but beneficial effects for them as well.Ordinary people are affected by conflict all over the world and whether the outcome is positive or negative for the particular individual, it is defined by the nature of the conflict and the possibilities it holds. Conflict does have the power to bring devastating consequences to some in many cases but there are also cases in which conflict brings about change in a positive manner with valuable and favourable effects for the individual. To define the outcome of conflict in a dichromatic way is futile as all cases will have varying components and possibilities with each action that plays on the result of the conflict.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Online Relationships

Online Relationships Cyberspace relationships have the advantages of time, distance depletion, and fantasy abilities (Suler). Internet users can take on different identities or take part in fantasy games. They can become someone else. James Katz and Philip Aspen report that the Internet is a place to make friends and stay in touch with far away relatives (Stoll). It makes distance disappear. Also, online a person is given time before they must respond to the other person (Suler).They are given the opportunity to better articulate themselves in writing. It is also possible to store conversations with friends on-line (Suler). Sometimes face to face relationships are hard to make. It’s easier for a shy or awkwardly social person to use the internet to make friends. With all of these social advantages, why are there still many lonely Internet users? â€Å"Paradoxically, the Internet is a social technology used for communication, yet it results in declining social involvement and psychological well-being† (Stoll).There is a large gap between people we can touch and people we can onl†¦ heheheheheh eheh jajb ladjbas hbdfhS HDFBASUB LBFHAB SBDFLABSH CLABHK SCVBKBVKHS FVERBVKDSBFU NVA ;V ASK;VAS GBKV RHK VKJ VUIBKJ; SKJVB; V;KEVKJERVIUOVUER HA HA HA HA HA HA AHA HAHA HA A HAHA AHAHA AHJAH AHA AHA A AHAH A AHA A A HA AHA AH AHAHAA HA A AHA HA AHAH KG GTJT NENE EJSD S SMS DC KJFJ G GKGNMF SDN SNSNKSKSW SWKE EKOEOKE W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WE

Friday, September 13, 2019

The effect of rising gas prices on your compan Essay

The effect of rising gas prices on your compan - Essay Example The following discussion will provide a detailed insight towards this issue. As a manager at this delivery service, it is my responsibility to provide the management with future projections about gas prices and to forecast and project gas prices in another 10 years. These steps are of utmost importance. The basic idea behind this discussion is to help the senior management plan everything on long term basis. No company today can survive without extensive consumption of fuel (Magnuson, 2008). This is especially true for the delivery service industry. The competitive edge lies precisely in the fact that the company must deliver all the good on time, every time. Thus it is of utmost importance to the company to be sure about their future gas fuel requirement and the costs associated with it. Gas prices over the last 20 years: The data used for this research is in fact Consumer Price Index - Average Price Data. The prices of Gasoline, unleaded regular, per gallon/3.785 liters from the year 1982 to 2011 have been studied. While studying this data, a lot of statistical techniques and tools have been applied on this set of data. First of all, the data is available in monthly figures. Though monthly figures give us a clear picture of how the prices vary over time, the projections cannot be created without calculating the annual data. The annual mean or average price has been calculated by adding all the monthly figures for any year and divide the sum by 12 to get the average annual figure.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Investigative report Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Investigative report Assignment - Research Paper Example There are a large number of details which are pouring in to certify that there has been attack on the protestors of Qhadafi and the fact that he has done intense murders to signify his position as the strong man in the State of Libya. â€Å"A three-member international panel arrived in Libya today to begin a United Nations-ordered inquiry into the violence and human rights abuses in the North African country since forces supporting Muammar al-Qadhafi began a crackdown against protesters earlier this year.† The team which belongs to the United Nations said that there are not enough numbers on the deaths of the people but it looks like that more than a hundred thousand have lost their lives and approximately seven hundred thousands fled Libya. It all began as a peaceful protest against the camp of Qhadafi turned into a violent armed conflict between the protestors and his people. There were a large number of people who were involved in the protest and it has come to the surprise of many Libyans that why the protest which started off so peacefully did has turned out to be violent in nature. One of the answers to this could be the fact that the Qhadafi camp was not willing to allow any kind of mass movements against its camp. It was however understood by the leadership that they should give it some time to boil down, as they anticipated that protest like these would eventually fade out without having any stake. However, that did not happen, instead, more and more people joined the protest which was a clear indication that people did not appreciate the functioning of Qhadafi and wanted and ouster of him and his camp from the establishment. After Qhadafi came to realise this aspect of the protest, he quickly turned to violent means to kill the protest which was keeping his position in the establishment in jeopardy. â€Å"The General Assembly suspended Libya’s membership in the Human Rights Council last month in the wake of the violent repression of the protesters, and the Security Council later authorized Member States to take â€Å"all necessary measures† to protect civilians.† This comes as a shock to Libya which is going under severe crisis due to the fight between the protestors and the established camp. Ethnic Cleansing and genocide in Tawergha: It is reported by the Human Rights Investigation that the people in the region of Tawergha have been ethnically cleansed by the establishment under heinous circumstances. â€Å"Human Rights Investigations has been following the situation of the Tawergha closely and here we draw the information together and find, based on the reports of witnesses, journalists and human rights workers, the situation of the Tawergha is not just one of ethnic cleansing but, according to the legal definition, genocide.† This is a prime case of genocide in the region and calls for drastic measures by the human rights organization to help the people of Tawergha from man slaughter. Let us look at the Genocide convention to understand the meaning of Human Rights violation: â€Å"any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group as such: 1. Killing members of the group; 2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the gr

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Assignment argumentative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment argumentative - Essay Example White leaders had made a stand against the tactics used by Martin Luther King to solve racial segregation in America. The latter were against direction action taken by Dr. King and they instead recommended use of legal processes to solve racism. However, in Dr. King’s letter, he found the white leader’s tactics insufficient and tried to justify his use of direct action. The main argument in Letter from Birmingham was that injustice has both direct and indirect effects on the public, and direct action was needed. Dr. King’s letter was aimed at challenging the injustices done on the minority blacks in America. However, it was viewed as agitation funded by outsiders to destabilize the country through demonstrations. The clergymen whom Dr. King addressed were also against racism, but they feared to stand up against city government. They hence opted for other methods to counter segregation other than staging demonstrations and public events. In an earlier statement, t he clergymen said Dr. King’s timing was poor and he needed to wait for a right time to create awareness on racism. Dr. King replied to the clergymen in his letter citing that waiting for long would mean that racial segregation would never come to an end. This showed the latter’s focus and determination to bring an end to racism. Unlike most traditional activists who were silenced by imprisonment, Dr. King continued enlightening the public using the open letter. While in prison, Martin Luther King noticed the strong opposition of his use of direct action to mobilize and educate people on racism and social injustices. Letter from Birmingham Jail was to prove that grassroots action against racism was not as radical as the government and some clergymen perceived it to be. In the letter, he explained that his people did not demonstrate because they wanted to create trouble, but because it was necessary at the time. The tone used in the letter is persuasive and Dr. King achi eves this by using various writing techniques. He used ethos to show the credibility of his information and refute the accusations that he only wanted to create chaos. Ethos is a style used in writing to ensure the readers have trust in any information presented by an author. In the first line of the letter, Dr. King addresses his critics honorably as â€Å"Fellow Clergymen.† This gives the reader an open mind while reading through the rest of the letter through the connection created. This makes both his supporters and opposition know that he understands and respects their stand in the fight against racial segregation. The use of ethos in the text is seen in various paragraphs where he tries to prove his point. He is aware that the letter targets a religious audience and hence makes constant reference to the bible and Christian history. To show his respect for religion and the country’s clergymen, he said â€Å"I have the honor of serving as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference† (King). The statement was directed to people who thought he was not appropriate to head the movement against racial segregation. He proved that he understood civil rights and hence he is fit to speak on the subject. Dr. King again uses ethos as he concludes the letter when he states that he writes from a jail cell. The statement is aimed at showing the reader that the latter had made sacrifices too for the topic he was addressing. It creates a sense of trust in the reader

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Team Building Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Team Building - Term Paper Example A community of people sharing common norms, values and interests would always remain a group and would never become a team unless individual members forming the group start to respect one another’s feelings. A team essentially works for the attainment of organizational goals by sidelining the personal interests of individual team members. â€Å"A major advantage a team has over an individual is its diversity of resources, knowledge, and ideas.† (Townsley, 2008). A sound strategy to build the effect of a team in an otherwise group of workers should be based on certain exercises that would serve to enhance the interaction among the members of opposing views. Team members should be given enough time to socialize frequently and work jointly to accomplish predefined tasks. Managers should organize task based workforces in which specified teams should address particular tasks. The idea is to achieve the effect of contact hypothesis in the task force. One member should be selected from each department as a representative of the department. In this way, a holistic approach can be adopted in which the finance, human resource, administration, operation and various other departments as required should work together in close cooperation and collaboration with one another to achieve the objective of organizational significance. The task force should be strategically designed and every individual member should be fully educated on his boundaries and limitations prior to the commencement of the task. All foreseeable antecedents of conflict should be clearly addressed to the maximum extent to minimize the chances of conflict. Tasks should be designed to allow maximum communication among the members. This can be achieved by formulating interdependent activities w ithin the task. The services of individual departments should be integrated into the work elements. In the course of working together, healthy debates should always be encouraged. Managers should

Monday, September 9, 2019

Successful Advertising Campaign Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Successful Advertising Campaign - Assignment Example The adage gained consumer’s liking as something motivational, positive, individualistic, and neutral on the issue of either winning or losing. It is just about doing and people simply love that as a strategic bandwagon technique in marketing. Nike had also topped in television and print broadcast thus gaining massive ground from the market consumers specially those coming from the youth or young adults who are consistent in demonstrating their zeal in life. Reports mentioned that Nike got the sale of $800 million in 1988 and consistently grew a decade later into $ 9.2 billion. â€Å"Just Do It!† drives the people to run, exercise, wind up, and enjoy everything that relates to life. It evokes certain zeal that deconstructed the notion of hindrances, barriers, and possible losses there is in life. The product’s adage, which wrapped its corporate brand, stirred such emotional meaning to consumers and the market. Aside from dominating its presence in all multimedia advertisement centers of the country, Nike’s consumers became also its marketing advertisers by indirectly introducing the products to those who have not yet purchased it. They recreated the product and thus facilitated in making the product as a youths’ fashion fad and fashion statement. The company likewise was able to establish the best branding strategy. Carefully planned and genuinely sensitive to the increasing individualism of consumers, the company won the hearts and minds of the market, including the essential fact that they were successfully able to make their own product subscribers as ambassador of a superior product. They completed the leverage by dominating in the market competition. Rigorous advertising and the ability to be consistently visible in the market made the product legendary for purchasers. The brand and its adage became the replica of their lives and an advice for those

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Cross-cultual Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cross-cultual Managment - Essay Example How important are organizational status, prestige and level in the organizational hietrarchy What rights to make decisions are given to managers as function of their positions To what degree should employees automatically defer to the wishes and decisions of their managers Power distance refers to the belief that strong and legitimate decision-making rights separates managers and employees; this custom is frequently observed in Asian and South American countries. By contrast, employees in the United States and Scandinavian countries subscribe to beliefs of lower power distance and are less likely to believe that their managers are automatically correct. Therefroe, many employees in the United States and Scandinavia do not blindly defer to their manager's wishes. Cultures that emphasize individualism tend to accent individual rights and freedoms, have very loosely knit social networks and place considerable attention on self-respect. Strong emphasis is placed on the person's own career and personal rewards. Collectivism heavily accents group and values harmony among members. Individual feelings are subordinated to the group's overall good, and employees are more likely to ask, "What is the best organization" Face-saving (maintaining one's self-image in front of others) is highly important in collectivistic cultures. When face-saving is accomplished, then one's status in the group can be maintained. The United States has an individualistic culture; Japan is collectivistic, with a culture that can be characterized by the proverb "The nail that sticks up gets pounded down." The Chinese culture accents the importance of quaxi or relationships. Femininity versus masculinity Masculine societies define gender roles in more traditional and stereotypical ways whereas feminine societies have broader viewpoints on the great variety of roles that both males and females can play in the workplace and at home. In addition, masculine societies value assertive behavior and the acquisition of wealth; feminine cultures trasure relationships among people, caring for others and a greater balance between family and work life. The Scandinavian countries have the most feministic cultures; Japan has a markedly masculine one; and the United States has a moderately masculine culture. Uncertainty avoidance Employees in some cultures value clarity and feel very comfortable receiving specific directions from their supervisors. These employees have a high level of uncertainty avoidance and prefer to avoid ambiguity at work. Employees elsewhere react in an opposite manner since ambiguity does not threaten their lower need for stability and security. These employees may even thrive on the uncertainty associated with their jobs. Employees in countries such as Greece, Portugal and Belgium have high uncertainty avoidance characteristics and often prefer structure, stability, rules, and clarity. Countries lower in uncertainty avoidance characteristics include China, Ireland and the United States. Long-term versus short-term time orientation Some cultures accent values such as the necessity of preparing for the future, the value of thrift and savings and the merits of persistence. Members of these cultures exemplified by Hong Kong, China, Japan

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Kill Me Now Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Kill Me Now - Essay Example This new piece by department of Theatre and Dance is the ultimate competition game show â€Å"Kill Me Now†. It is based on a group of people belongs to different background such as Afro-American gay dancer, Indian, Russian, Spanish, religious dancer, psychopath, weigh filter etc. having a dance competition between them; they fight to win a prize of best dancer. In this game show audience is also a part of the article and dramatic version of this reality show. Dance show Kill Me Now features almost eight characters in this competition along with a host and judges, a DJ which holds the background music, a score keeper and the Dance crew of Kill Me Now. Dancers are very excited to win and every time they want to give their best in front of judges. Dancer is not concern with the winning amount, they are not aware of what they get prize in result of this competition they just want to win. And they do also not know the ultimate prize for the winner. At each performance of this game show, audience will cast votes to choose the winner of this dance competition. At the end of this dance show the winner found its ultimate prize for which they were competing for and it is the death of the winner of this dance competition; winner gets kill by judge of this show. Through this play writer delivers the message that sometimes we do not use are senses. This game show is modeled after current reality shows on TV in which some are comic based, highly interactive experience, fast-paced where the audience is very excited and wants to watch these kinds of reality shows always. And the main theme of this game show is that we are belong to a culture whom always love to compete and audience enjoy watching these competitions they don’t care about cast, religion, color of competitors. Every day we watch in different reality shows on different channels. People are very keen to watch these reality shows either they are kids, youngsters or old age people they just have an interest in

Friday, September 6, 2019

Electromagnetic research Essay Example for Free

Electromagnetic research Essay We can relate the density to the scattering of radiation in the X-ray region by using the mass attenuation coefficient,  µ/? , and the mass energy-absorption coefficient,  µen/?. In the X-ray region (10-100 KeV), we will find that as the electron density increases, the x-ray signal also increases1. X-ray scattering is considered to be due to the electron density of the atoms in a sample2. J. J. Thomson derived a formula relating the intensity of coherent scattering from a particle. If the incident radiation is not polarized, then his relation takes the form: I(2? ) = Io [(e4)/(r2 m2 c4)] [(1 + cos2 2? )/2] where e is the charge of the particle, r is the distance from the â€Å"scatterer†, m is the mass of the â€Å"scatterer†, c is the velocity of light, and [(1 + cos22? )/2] represents the partial polarization of the scattered photon. An electron is 2000 times lighter than a proton. Most nuclei are made up of many nucleons that have an even greater mass than the mass of a proton. Because the scattered intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the mass of the particle emitting the X-ray photon, scattering of X rays from the nucleus is considered negligible compared to the scattering from the electrons of an atoms. We can conclude that X-ray scattering is due to the density of the electron. The probability for coherent scattering decreases with increasing photon energy and increases with increasing atomic number (increasing number of interfering electrons). As a fraction of the total mass attenuation coefficient, ? coh/? is maximal at atomic numbers around Z=10 and photon energies in the interval 30-50 keV. At higher atomic numbers, the relative fraction decreases due to the strong increase of photoelectric absorption with increasing atomic number3. In silicon, for example, the relative probability for coherent scattering is 14% at 50 keV. Let us refer to table 1, where the densities of elements could be found, and figures 2. 1, 2. 3 and 2. 4, the Absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation by Gold, Silicon, and Iron respectively. The density of silicon is 2. 330, iron is 7. 874 and gold is 19. 32. In the graphs, as the radiation increases we will notice that the absorption decreases. For gold, this will continue until it reaches 200 eV where a discontinuity takes place. In terms of the densities of the elements, as the density of the element decreases, the coherent scattering also decreases. For example, gold, which has an atomic number of 79, contains a higher electron density than an element such as silicon and iron (of lower atomic number 14 and 26 respectively); therefore the photon-absorption processes are stronger (higher  µ) making gold suitable as a radiation-shielding material. However, the decrease in ( µ) with increasing photon energy (below 1 MeV) means that relatively thick sheets are needed to absorb hard (short-wavelength) x-rays or gamma -rays, compared to soft (long-wavelength) x-rays for example. Photon absorption in the visible region of the spectrum depends on the atomic arrangement of the atoms and their bonding. Pure silicon (Si) is strongly absorbing but silicon combined with oxygen is transparent. For the energetic photons in the x-ray regime, photon absorption is much easier to predict and is independent of the details of atomic arrangement. It depends primarily on the electron concentration per unit volume. Since the concentration of atoms per unit volume only differ by factors of 2 or 3 from each other, the electron concentration in two materials can be estimated from the atomic number, Z. Gold (Z=79) absorbs x-rays much more efficiently than silicon (Z=14) or iron (Z=26). X-ray absorption does depend on the energy of the x-rays and decreases with increasing x-ray energy, E. Absorption decreases nearly proportional to the cube of the energy (i. e. absorption proportional to (1/E3). The eventual rise in  µ indicates that a third process occurs at high photon energy; this is pair production, in which a pair of elementary particles (a particle and its antiparticle of the same mass but opposite electrostatic charge) is created from the energy (hf) of the original photon4. In this case, the two particles are an electron and an anti-electron (more commonly known as a positron, whose rest mass m0 is the same as that of an electron but whose charge is +e). Pair production can be represented by an equation, which represents the conservation of total energy (or mass-energy): hf = 2(m0 c2) + K(-e) + K(+e) Here, (m0 c2) = 0. 511 MeV is the rest energy of an electron, which is equal to that of the positron, so the factor of 2 represents the fact that two particles of identical rest mass are created. K(-e) and K(+e) represent the kinetic energy of the electron and positron, immediately after their creation. If the photon energy were exactly 2m0c2 = 1. 02 MeV, the two particles would be created at rest (with zero kinetic energy) and this would be an example of the complete conversion of energy into mass. For photon energies below 2m0c2, the process cannot occur; in other words, 1. 02 MeV is the threshold energy for pair production. For photon energies above the threshold, a photon has more than enough energy to create a particle pair and the surplus energy appears as kinetic energy of the two particles. BIBLIOGRAPHY Giacovazzo, Carmelo. Crystallography. Retrieved 9 June 2008, http://xrayweb. chem. ou. edu/notes/crystallography. html. McAlister, B. C. and Grady, B. P. The Use of Monte-Carlo Simulations to Calculate Small-Angle Scattering Patterns. Macromolecular Symposia, 2003. The American Physical Society. X-Ray Radiation from Non-linear Thomson Scattering. Vol. 91, No. 19, 13 November 2003. Retrieved 9 June 2008, http://www. eecs. umich. edu/USL-HFS/TaPhouc_prl_03. pdf. Weidner, R. T. and Sells, R. L. Pair Production and Annihilation. Retrieved 9 June 2008, http://physics. pdx. edu/~egertonr/ph311-12/pair-pa. htm.

Single Party States Notes Essay Example for Free

Single Party States Notes Essay Single Party States notes From: Topic 3- Themes and Exams Tips Chapter: â€Å"Origins and development of authoritarian and single party states† â€Å"What constitutes an authoritarian or single-party state? † Country or state to be classed as an authoritarian or single party state: * Only one legal political party A leader chosen by or from the military following a revolution * Group or leader that controls the state even though there are existing parties * Jean Kirkpatrick (US ambassador-United Nations) once expressed that authoritarian state was â€Å"better than† a totalitarian state- a chance that it would move towards democracy (p. o. v expressed during the Cold War) Characteristics in common- authoritarian or single-party: * Little-no freedom of speech * No freedom of: * Assembly (government must approve meetings) * To travel abroad No idependent judicial system * All sources of information censored * Any idea against the regime will be harshly punished (opposition to them) * â€Å"A leader whose popularity is reinforced by personality cult† Not all states the share charactersistcs some are less oppressive but they all share the strict control over the freedom of the people and use different methods to hold on to power. The age of Kings and Emperors ended with WWI 20th century one of the bloodiest century in history- includes 2 major world wars Left and right wing: Left- wing: Describes the single party, leaders and states that are communist or socialist. Example: Nasser, Stalin, Mao, Castro and Neyerere Right wing: Most fascist leaders of the 20th century began their political careers as members of socialist parties. Fascist leaders and states – right wing Examples: Hitler, Mussoluni and Franco Policies supportive of capitalism as an economic system, ultra nationalist, some cases they promoted religion as a way to unite the people. Right wing ideologies| Left wing ideologies| Facism (in Italy and Nazism-Germany) * Socialist (intended to appeal lower classes) * Strongly nationalistic and considered communism to be a threat| * Widespread ideology (20th C) was communism * â€Å"All people are equal† * â€Å"No private property to protect† * Will to bring the ideal state| Socialism: Characteristics: redistribution of wealth through taxation, the state owns the major industries like coal and steel, the state owns the â€Å"mon opolies† such as the water, transportation and communications, free education and health care for all. This criterion became known as ‘welfare state’. (Gov. hould control ensure the basic standard living for al citizens) Stages of communism: 1) Primitive communisms: â€Å"No monopoly over the means of production† 2) Feudalism: â€Å"Agricultural-based communities developed into kingdoms and powerful rulers took ownership of the land and the people who farmed it† 3) Capitalism: â€Å"commercial activities- trading in manufactured goods† 4) Communism: no private properties, people contribute with their skills, taking only what they needed. No laws to protect wealth and property From States, Governments and Ideologies: The State: * Sovereign state: is independent of all others Way in which is governed- Constitution: basic laws- lay down the power and duties of many institutions and officials of government * Rule of law * Arbitrary government * Sovereignty * States -3 kinds: Unitary states, federal and confederations * Held state – embodies the nation and represents it * Monarchy, republic * Legitimacy, device right of kings (constitutional monarchs) president (republic state) Government: * â€Å"Those persons and institution of state which exercise the power in accordance with the constitution† * Head of the state head of the government (prime ministers) * Executive, cabinet Legislative—making laws (unicameral, bicameral) * Separation of powers, presidential system of government, parliamentary system of government Changes of Government By legal means: (elections) majority system and proportional system—coalition By force: rebellion, revolution, provisional government, co nstituent assembly, new constitution, and peaceful revolution Political Ideologies:( framework theories) Implicit ideologies (propaganda designed etc) * Conservatism * Liberalism Reformist Ideologies: critique of existing society, describe the ideal society would be like, prescriptions from the living situation to the ideal * Socialism: reaction to injustices of the capitalist economic system (social democrats, syndicalist, revolutionary socialists) Marxism: â€Å"an industrialized society, the working class would revolt and take over the ruling class, and would in effect, create a classes society * Anarchism: fight against the order, don’t want any authority Incomplete Ideologies: * Racism * Nationalism * Social Darwinism From: Authoritarianism, Fascism and Totalitarianism Authoritarianism,| Fascism| Totalitarianism| * Ruled by threat or fear * â€Å"Black or white† posture (in or out) * Outlawed the opposition * Enforce their control by torture, execution, etc. * Motivated by patriotism * Resorting law and order * Defending country against the threat of Bolshevism * Leading a regeneration of the nation * Employed and censored the media| * Lower middle class radicalism * Deliberate diversion of the workers * Radical populist solution to the problem of restoring the â€Å"hegemony† of the dominant class| * Subordinate all aspects od the individual’s life to the authority of the gov. Official ideology * Single mass party * Terroristic police control of the population * Monopoly control of the media * Monopoly control of the arms * Central control of the economyâ€Å"worthless- creation of Cold War propaganda- designed to tie the Soviet system together with that of the Nazis† – some historians|

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Mills The Power Elite Analysis

Mills The Power Elite Analysis   Rudenko Viacheslav   The ruling elite consists of people occupying such positions that give them the opportunity to rise above the environment of ordinary people and make decisions that have the greatest consequences. Whether they make these decisions or not- it is less important than the fact of owning such key positions; their avoidance of known actions and decisions is in itself an action that often entails more important consequences than the decisions they make. This is due to the fact that they command the most important institutions and organisations of modern society. For us, it is important that the activities of the elite not only can provide a stabilising function for the whole society or its subsystems, but can also destabilise its condition. In the work The Power Elite, Mills carried out an institutional analysis of Americas contemporary. As he points out, among all spheres of the life of the society, there are three most important: economic, political and military. It is here where we must look for the roots of the real elite of society. Mills concluded that at the head of America more or less permanent group of families. Representatives of this ruling elite have so much in common (beginning with religion and education and ending with membership in the same clubs) that they represent a single group that gradually concentrates in their hands full power. Although these people consist in different parties, they also have similar interests and views. Because of this, it leads to that the election of the president or congressmen, in fact, a fiction that has no significant meaning. Thus, the country is governed by a narrow ruling elite, which occupies the highest level in the power structure. The lower level in this structure is occupied by the majority of citizens who allegedly are the reliance of democracy, but in reality, they are subordinate to the will of the elite. The single rule of the ruling elite, as C. Mills asserted, not only poses a threat to democracy, but can also provoke a third world war. Sharply criticising the dominance of the elite, Charles Mills posited positive hopes for intellectuals, which, in his opinion, should become the core that will strengthen American society, returning it to democratic origins. The book The Power Elite contains a comprehensive analysis of the American ruling elite:   Ã‚   its composition and main characteristics; mechanisms of its formation; its place in society; its historical evolution; etc. The research itself is a visual example of how a practical embodiment of the style of thinking should look like, which called by Mills as sociological imagination,. The ruling elite: consists of people occupying positions that give them the opportunity to rise above the environment of ordinary people and make decisions that have the greatest consequences. C. Mills believed that there are three distinct levels of power. The first the highest level is occupied by the ruling elite, which formally and informally accepts the most important political decisions and removes the popular masses from governing the country; The second level is an intermediate level of power reflecting group interests in local and regional authorities, whose influence on the adoption of fundamental decisions is limited; The third level is the level of the actual lack of rights of the masses, on which the main part of society is located, which does not exert any influence on the decision-making. This naturally leads to the conclusion that in fact American democracy and peoples democracy is nothing more than a deception. The main fact: the possession of command positions in the social system, in which effective means are concentrated, providing power, wealth, prestige, fame. The ruling elite has a national character:Analysing the provincial upper classes of the old and new formations and the upper strata of the central cities (the so-called layer of four hundred families), and Mills showed that their power capabilities are limited, and their decisions do not have a decisive influence on social processes. Higher positions in local hierarchies have lost the importance they had before. This is due to the institutional development of society, its enlargement and the formation of national social networks. Many members of the ruling elite came out from the local tops; But those who occupy the highest positions in the local hierarchies do not belong to it. The key to understanding the power of the elite must be sought in the social structure of modern society, its most important institutions. That is: (1) economic institutions: corporations; (2) political institutions: the state; (3) military institutions: the army. These institutions in American society dominate and subordinate all other institutions (school, family, church, science, etc.), turning them into tools for the realisation of their goals. There have been processes of enlargement and centralisation in these three areas: Economy: instead of a lot of small entrepreneurs 200-300 large corporations; Public administration: instead of a decentralised structure of state and municipal governments, a centralised government; Military: instead of a decentralised structure of means of violence, a centralised military department that has become the largest and the most expensive government agency. The ruling elite is effectively closed from foreign: through the working mechanisms of selection and recruitment, predominance of appointees and the role of subjective evaluation in appointments. Staying in the elite gives you direct access to the valuable benefits of life: wealth, power, prestige. Access to these benefits depends not so much on the personal qualities of a person, but on the positions in power. Disappearance of the public: The questions that determine the fate of people are not put and are not solved by the general public. Key decisions for society are made by the elite, often without any regard for the public. Also, there is a growing gap between the elite and the managed population. A huge role here is played by the media: in place of democratic discussion and decision-making, authoritarian decision-making mechanisms based on the technologies of propaganda processing and the formation of public opinion come. The market of opinions is monopolised: several large monopolists came to the place of numerous independent producers of opinions. Outcome: universal spiritual ignorance, stupor, loss of life guides and criteria, the triumph of immorality, the collapse of the mind, the general atmosphere of insecurity and impotence. A similar function is also performed by the education system. Immorality at the top: a structural problem. The society itself is arranged in such way that to achieve success person must drop moral. Moral orientations are often become disastrous for a career. In the lower classes a similar structural problem is philistine Machiavellianism. In a society where money is the only indisputable measure of prosperity (and human value), it cannot be otherwise. The main Elite-forming sign is not outstanding individual qualities, but possession of command positions, leading positions. The ruling elite, writes Mills, consists of people, occupying such positions that give them the opportunity to rise above the environment of ordinary people and make decisions that have major consequences. This is due to the fact that they command the most important hierarchical institutions and organizations of modern society. They occupy strategic command posts in the social system, in which effective means are concentrated, ensuring the power, wealth and fame that they use. It is the occupation of key positions in the economy, politics, military and other institutions that provides power and thereby constitutes the elite. Such an understanding of the elite distinguishes left-liberal concepts from Machiavellian and other theories that lead to elitism from special qualities of people. Group cohesion and the diversity of the composition of the ruling elite, which is not limited to the elite of the political, directly taking state decisions, but includes the leaders of corporations, politicians, senior civil servants and higher officers. They are supported by intellectuals, well-established within the existing system. The unifying factor of the ruling elite is not only the common interest of the constituent groups in preserving their privileged position and the social order that provides it, but also the proximity of the social status, educational and cultural level, the range of interests and spiritual values, lifestyle, and personal and family ties. There is also profound difference between the elite and the masses. Natives of the people can enter the elite only by occupying high positions in the social hierarchy. However, they have few real chances for this. The possibilities for the influence of the masses on the elite through elections and other democratic institutions are very limited. With the help of money, knowledge, the sophisticated mechanism of manipulating consciousness, the ruling elite controls the masses virtually uncontrollably. The recruiting of the elite is carried out mainly from its own environment based on acceptance of its social and political values. The most important criteria for selection are the possession of resources of influence, as well as business qualities and a conformist social position. The first and main function of the ruling elite in society is to ensure its own domination. Exactly this function by which decision of administrative tasks is subordinated. Mills denies the inevitability of the elitism of society, criticizes it from consistently democratic positions. Mills comments on the popular ideas about the managerial revolution, according to which, the power in the enterprises passed to the managers from the bottom, rational managers who care about both the profits for the owners and the dignity of the workers. Mills argues that in fact, managers are divided into two classes: those who are engaged in executive organisational work, and those who make key decisions. So, the second, higher class of managers is not separate from the owners of the group. As a rule, they have part in the shares of the enterprise. In fact, their interests do not differ from the interests of owners, as in their position they make money. At the very top of the social structure of the United States is the ruling elite, and below it is a politically formless inert society. If you look at it objectively, there is not so widely praised by the liberals the public, which discusses various issues, and then implements decisions directly or through representatives. The place of a reasonable and free personality envisaged by such a model is now occupied by the crowd man, and a mass society takes the place of a politically active organisation organised into grassroots associations of civil society. As We see large corporations instead small shopkeepers today, and instead of communicating between the buyer and the seller, we see mass advertising, as well in politics: instead of exchanging views, we see mass ideological processing. From what has been said it is clear that an inert society is the result of the influence of the mass media. The basis of resistance to them may be the comprehension of their experience, but the problem is that even our experience we perceive through the prism created by the mass media. Also, these media divert us from knowing the world through communication with loved ones. Probably, this function is performed by the TV bursting into the kitchen? Media does not only form our view of the world, but also our view of ourselves, imposing desires, dreams, and a vision of our position in society. The way out of this situation is to create and maintain alternative media that are not monopolised by the powers that be. This will allow us to see a real clash of opinions and analyse them. The education system has an effect similar to the mass media. In modern educational institutions, instead of political goals (the ability to link personal experience with social processes and to be active in public life), dominate market goals (the desire to become a steep specialist and move along the career ladder) which go together with ideologic propaganda of ruling class. The structure of an inert society is this: we are alienated from each other and closed in our own world, to which we look through the prism created by the mass media and the education system. We cannot relate our position to a real social structure. As a result, we become non-initiative and politically inert. Above the mass of such disunited people rises the organised elite, making the most important decisions, concerning all. Such pessimistic picture drawn by Mills. Pessimistic, because it does not contain a hint of a strategy of liberation. Perhaps Mills simply did not set the goal of this book to reflect on liberation strategies, or maybe he did not really see the opportunity to change society for the better, who knows? The concept of elite within the framework of the proposed cultural-institutional approach which historically defined (along with aristocracy and nomenclature) as a form of existence of power groups that define institutional boundaries. In other words, the elites are groups that perform, first of all, stabilising functions on the scale of the whole society, as well as its individual subsystems. And within the framework of this function, the elites consider the limits of the existence of other institutions and individuals. In this sense, they are institutionalising institutions. The existence of the elite is connected with the bourgeois industrial society. This means that they are the product of the social relations of this particular society. In this context, there are three characteristics of the modern society which are important: openness of the society, openness of power and openness of politics. In connection with these changes, the elites are institutionalised. The study of the ruling elite of the US did not go unnoticed. Later, the conclusions of C. Mills were reflected in the ideology of the new left throughout the world. In addition, the modern English sociologist A. Giddens who has convincingly shown that the term ruling elite, invented by C. Mills in relation to the United States, can rightly be attributed to the Soviet Union. Mills carried out an institutional analysis of Americas contemporary. He pointed out that among all spheres of the life of society the leading place is occupied by three economic, political and military. Mills believes that power elites represent only their own interests, which include maintaining an eternal economic war to control American capitalism, and masking manipulative control of social and political order with the help of the mass media. Mills concluded that at the head of America is more or less the permanent group of families. This leads to the fact that the election of the president or congressmen is a fiction, which has no essential meaning. The lower level in this structure is occupied by the majority of citizens who allegedly to the reliance of democracy, but in reality they are subordinate to the will of the elite. Mills saw the main social danger in increasing rationality without reason, that is, in using ruling elite rational means ,developed by scientists, to achi eve irrational goals.